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I am a life-long Republican, and believe in less regulation by the government, protecting our property rights, fighting for the unborn and the Constitution as it is written! 


I have been married to my wife Paige McDaniel for 21 years. We have two adult children, as well as a four-year-old and two-year-old grandchild. Our oldest child proudly serves in the Navy, and our daughter attends CSU and works full time in public schools with Special Needs children. 


I have many years of experience in leadership, administration, fire, police and emergency management, and have worked closely with local, State and Federal Agencies on major disasters, and public safety for over 40 years. 


I understand conservative fiscal management and have overseen multimillion-dollar budgets in both the public and private sectors for many years. 


I am a member of the following organizations:


NRA (Lifetime Patriot member)

Colorado Sheriffs Association.

International Chiefs of Police Association. 

BOMA- Building Owners & Managers Association 


I have served on the following:


Colorado Emergency Preparedness Partnership Board (CEPP) 

Chairman of DP3 (Downtown Denver Police /Private Sector Alliance from 2008-2018

BOMA Govt Affairs Committee 2008-2018

Colorado Information Analysis Center as a Counter Terrorism Liaison 2009-2019

Mississippi Police Chiefs Association 1998-2005

Mississippi Fire Chiefs Association 1992-2005

Mississippi Firefighter Association 1984-2005



Currently, ninety-two percent of Elbert County is rural, and recent growth has occurred in the northwest
corner of the county. To sustain the basic services needed for all Elbert County residents (including
bridge and road repair, fire, law enforcement, and human services), I believe managed growth will be
necessary to maintain existing services without raising taxes.

What is managed growth, and how do we accomplish this? First, I support updating our
comprehensive plan as soon as possible
, based on sound data collected from water and traffic studies
as well as listening to residents.

Growth and development must be based on the current and future needs of the County with high
regard for existing neighbors and communities.

Developers and their planned developments must be held accountable by the Board and must meet all
obligations of approval.

I pledge to work closely with the planning committee to ensure that the needs of Elbert county are meet. 


I have spent my entire adult life in Public Safety, including police, fire, and private security. I find that fire
and police protection is something that most people don’t often think about, but do expect when
needed. Seconds count! I support placing public safety at
the forefront of all planning and assisting our
local Firefighters, Law Enforcement, and EMS personnel.


I have attended meetings by Xcel Energy about its proposed high voltage transmission line. I have not
found any Xcel project benefit to Elbert County citizens.
One hundred thirty-foot towers with high
voltage electric lines will reduce property values. There are better route options that Xcel must seriously
consider. If elected commissioner, I will oppose Xcel on the current proposed route and do my very best
to prevent this project from destroying our property values.


One of the most frequent issues I hear is about protecting our groundwater water supply. Our current
Board of County Commissioners are conducting a s
tudy about groundwater capacity in the county. Once
this study is complete, I will analyze the data and use it as a measure when considering future
developments. Protecting our groundwater
it an absolute must and benefits everyone for generations. 


We must protect our small businesses in Elbert County and encourage their growth. Many have been
here since before COVID and suffered through the state-imposed lockdown. As Commissioner, I will do
my best to protect and encourage small business growth
, including reducing the time for permit review
and approval. 


There are 1100 miles of gravel and 280 miles of paved roads within Elbert County.
With limited funding, it is nearly impossible to repair existing paved roads and asphalt many new miles
of roads. However, I recognize that many paved and unpaved roads are in need of repair, especially in
District 3
, and I will make it a priority to help our road and bridge crews receive the funding they


We should have resources here in Elbert County to retain our youth, including providing jobs and social
activities. Too many of our youth are leaving the county. While not all high school graduates are suited
for a four-year degree, many want less traditional college options closer to home, such as trade schools
or apprenticeships that provide potential careers in welding, auto mechanics, farm equipment repair,
etc. As Commissioner, I will work to create partnerships with local entities to build programs that can
help keep our young people here in Elbert County.
 I believe that the Elbert County Partnership is key to helping in this area. 


We have a large elderly population with increasing healthcare needs. As Commissioner, I will work
hard to attract and establish local healthcare facilities
, so that our citizens don’t have to drive to
Parker, Denver, or Aurora for all of their healthcare needs.


As a County Commissioner, my goal is to foster great working relationships with our planning board, the
elected officials of the towns within Elbert County, our special districts, and, most importantly,
residents. I promise to listen to all the people and I will always communicate with honesty and

Thank you for your consideration; With your support, I can put my experience and knowledge to work for Elbert County. Together, we can continue to move Elbert County in the right direction for our future! 
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